Looking for a stress-relieving activity that's vigorous, fun, great exercise and a heck-of-a-lot more exciting than going to the gym? Why not get off the sidelines and learn to play hockey?

Whether you are new to hockey or haven’t played for a while, Skatetown’s adult hockey programs will get you ready to join a team in the entry level Bronze League. Playing hockey is a great way to meet new people and be part of a growing hockey community while getting in some exercise.


FREE Adult Introductory Clinic

  •  Hockey basics & fun scrimmage           
  •  Skates & equipment provided (helmet, elbow/shin pads, gloves) 
  •  No hockey experience needed 
  •  Basic skating skills required  
  •  CLICK HERE for more information
  • DATE:  SUNDAY, FEBUARY 23, 2025
  • TIME:   5:00 - 6:15pm  (arrive by 4:15pm to check in)
  • COST:    FREE!   
  • 13-Week Adult Learn to Play Program

  • Due to Spring 2025 rink maintenance, classes will be 13 weeks (instead of 23 weeks). Next 23-week class starts SEP 2025.
  • →THURSDAYS NEW BEGINNER:  MAY 29 - AUG 21, 2025  7:15 - 8:30pm 

    NO THURSDAY CLASS 6/19, 6/26 & 7/17. Classes are rescheduled to SUNDAY 6/22, 6/29 & 7/20 @2:15pm.
  • →SUNDAYS ADVANCED:  JUN 1 - AUG 24, 2025  5:00 - 6:15pm 

    •  Weekly 75-minute Class
    •  Master the Basics: skating, stick handling, shooting, game strategy
    •  Class is designed to prepare NEW players, with little or no hockey experience, to play in the Bronze B (novice division) hockey league       
    •  800+ Adults have graduated since program inception in 2006
    • Fun & great exercise  
    • Program Cost: $305
    •  Payment plan available                  
    •       CLICK HERE for more information on the 23-week Adult Learn to Play Hockey Program          

Hockey is thriving among adults

ADULT Learn to Play - HOCKEY



“My kids and I started playing hockey almost 6 years ago...not only have we met some wonderful people, we formed some of the best friendships along the way, with other players, parents and your staff. I cannot express to you how fortunate we are to have those relationships, which would not be possible if Skatetown wasn’t around. Second, my health...I’m in such better physical shape than 6 years ago and I often say, “hockey saved my life” — while figuratively speaking, I am in the best health I have been in for 20+ years. The physical and mental outlet hockey provides is amazing and I will be forever grateful for what Skatetown provided.

Lastly, the benefit for my kids...the confidence and the maturity hockey has provided my younger son with Thunder and for my older son, his first job as a Skatetown referee was on his radar the past couple years...we are very proud of both, again, not possible without Skatetown.  

We will be relocating out-of-state and the hardest part will be finding a rink that will provide the same benefits as Skatetown......any rink we find has big shoes to fill...that much I can tell you.”

Don J.